
Where do I go from here?

To be honest, I never thought I could make it this far. And no matter how much I try to get away from cooking, through some series of weird circumstances, I am back in the kitchen doing a 60 pax event.  But it's good for the butchery so I'm not complaining. However, I'm trying to figure out what's next. 🤔 I think I may have reached the ceiling to how much this location can give me and it's really not much. No Maseratis yet.  One thing for sure is that I have to do smth about my weight. I've been the fattest I've ever been in my life and I have to stop that. Just not sure how to though. I don't really know how to lose weight being with someone. Lol. I love my little meat shop. 🎃☺️

I lost my way.

Long mstory short - after a few failed businesses, I made my way back into the kitchen as an executive Chef, reluctantly. I knew that I hated being a chef but it's the only way I can get a decent salary enough for me to save and open smth in the future. So I worked for 6 mths and got the money to open a butchery.  The first year was hell. 

My wife. ❤️

This was us. 4-5 yrs ago. Lola is snoring so loudly I cannot sleep! Dammit. And it's giving me a headache. Fak.

End of the year.

I feel like selling butter cookies. Should I?  Btw, happy birthday to me. Lol. 

Merry Christmas!

It's been a long day. I am tired. Today, we hit our new record in terms of sales. It may not be as much as what I am used to as a chef, but now, it's different. I feel like my baby is working. I know what needs to be done, but I can't seem to find the energy to do it.  I need to get some sleep, but I can't.  Sometimes when I drive past places that brings me back memories, I would actually stop and just hang out there for a second. Marsiling jetty is one of them. I was at Senoko a few days ago, checking out some goods from Spain and the SFA needed to inspect and all that boring mumbo jumbo. Then I drove past the Marsiling jetty. It looks really different now. I was walking around the area.  I recalled a small framed girl. Wearing an Adidas jacket. She smells of Vanilla body spray by Victoria Secrets. She was different from the rest. I fell in love in a different way. It was a nice memory. I don't really recall much nowadays, but I do force mys

Energy + Time

If only I could be the person I am now 10-15 years ago, I might be able to get my hands on that GTR.  Meh. But if I am that person who knows what I know now, I would know that there's no point spending on unnecessary liabilities. But I do love cars though.  Alright! Stop whining. Be contented with what you have right now. It's decent and it's not constantly breaking down. It's a good thing. Yes yes.  Anyways, let you be the first to know. I know that it's not even been a year since we opened our place and that we should take our time. But.. we are already talking about some sort of expansion. 😖😬 All in good time, baby. Sleep.

Flip of a coin.

She hates it when I do that. Haha.. I'm starting to like penning down my thoughts again. Well, at this point, I am pretty sure no one bothers reading this crap but I think one day, someone will. Maybe someone from the past, maybe my wife will actually know that I do have a blog one day. I love my wife, btw. She's a gem but I absolutely cannot take it when it's that time of the month. Omg.  But none of that matters and I digress. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyhoo - Though I have been a chef for a few years now, I don't see myself being something substantial or doing something even remotely close to a half of the talented chefs out there. But I do have a bit of experience and over the years, a bit of maturity.  A bit. I don't want to get ahead of myself, nor promise you a full grown adult. I opened a shop, not the best location and though the space doesn't fit my dream, it's not stopping me from accomplishing what I'm setting myself out to do.  I have